You Could Already Be A Winner!


Do you remember getting those flyers from Publishers Clearinghouse that asked you to open them and enter the sweepstakes contest? With pictures of Ed Mc Mahon? And they asked you to please try to plan to be home during certain hours of the day in case they came by with the Prize Patrol van?

Well, here at The MOXY Project we have a little announcing of our own to do. Today is the day that the winners of the mix CD contest are announced. There were two categories: One was for Best Workout/Running Mix, and one was for Best Independent/Alternative Mix. I gave a few hints (Billy Joel and Journey = good, John Mayer and Jay-Z = bad), and gave you all about 2 months to turn them in.

Well, you guys rocked it. I have never loved going to my P.O. Box as much as I have these past few months. And, I found SO. MUCH. great music that I’ve never heard before!! I can’t even begin to list it all, but let’s just say there’s a lot. of action happening on my iTunes account these days. Thank you so much for letting me know just how much great stuff is out there! I wish I could have picked more of you to win because there were so many awesome compilations, well done to everyone who sent in CD’s. Seriously. You’re all gems for even going for it in the first place.

And now, for the winners. These lucky ladies will each get to attend the upcoming MOXY workshop March 19-20 for FREE. Yes, Friday night and all day Saturday of wonderful MOXY self-leadership mojo at totally and completely zero cost to them. Yay free!

And the Oscar goes to…….


Jade Mundell, of Santa Barbara, California


Nicole Gonzales, of Portland, Oregon

Let’s give each of these lovely ladies a round of applause! Congratulations, Jade and Nicole!

For those of you who still want to come join us in March, there is still time to sign up. There are 4 or 5 spots left, and registration officially closes March 9 (a week from tomorrow). So don’t wait any longer, sign up HERE and start getting excited for a weekend of learning how to LEAD YOUR LIFE like never before. We are having so much fun getting ready for all of you!

Thanks again to EVERYONE who sent in CD’s. You are each in your own way, mix-masters of life.

Stay classy.

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