Top 5 Things I Learned On My Summer Vacation

#4: Stuff Happens.

I had a whole blog post written and ready about the other fourth lesson I learned on my summer vacation, but that went missing yesterday afternoon.  Total bummer. First time that’s ever happened, in almost a year of writing weekly on this blog.

It took me until now to pick myself up off of the floor where I had been writhing in despair, and to think about what (else) I could possibly offer you.

I realized that I don’t really tell you much about what other stuff I read online, which of course informs and inspires what I write about here at TMP. I read tons of other blogs, but it doesn’t seem to me like I read a crazy bananas exorbitant amount– until I tell other people how many blogs I read and their eyes roll back in their head.

I just counted all my RSS feeds.  I subscribe to 94 blogs.

Is that a lot?

It’s not like they all write every day.

But I do read them regularly, because I hate watching that number of new posts tick upwards with each passing hour. They’re waiting for me! So I sit down and catch up on everyone two or three times a week, and get lots of great ideas and motivation for TMP.

I mostly read blogs written by women, with a business or entrepreneurial angle. I also read blogs on faith, or writing, and many blogs I read are those of friends chronicling their journeys of motherhood/ministry/manic life pace.

I thought I’d tell you about some of the blogs I read and see if you might like to check them out also.

Each of the blogs I’m going to mention directly affects my self-leadership; they influence me, challenge me, cause me to think differently or to take action. I hope they do the same for you.


according to

The Moxy Project

Honorable Mention: Hopscotch Distillery, with a most recent blog post I wish I’d written myself. Because it’s about Voldemort. For. Reals.

10.  The Moxy Project Blog

Oh, come on. That’s SEO gold, right there. Give me a small break already. And click a few times, for the love.

9. Jesus Needs New PR

Matthew Paul Turner’s blog really needs to be seen to be believed. He finds the craziest stuff in 21st century Christian sub-culture,  and points it out to the rest of us. It’s like if The Office was a blog about all the cringe-worthy  –and true– elements of the faith.

8. A Design So Vast/Communicatrix

These two blogs are tied for #8. A Design So Vast is the blog of Lindsey, a writer who often blogs about how cracked she feels inside. I can’t say enough about her writing; her words pick me up, slap me around, kiss me on both cheeks and put me down again, leaving me feeling exhausted and exhilarated at the same time.

Communicatrix is writer Colleen Wainwright’s blog. Colleen is a clever leader with a heart of gold. Communicating about communicating is way harder than it looks, but Colleen walks the tightrope with ease. She is phenomenally nimble with her words, and she causes me to chortle on a regular basis.

7. Rachelle Gardner

I secretly want Rachelle to be my literary agent someday. It could happen, right? First I have to write a book, I know. But right after that she will be my ninja angel and bring my book to the world. Rachelle is just the best person in the universe to have on your side. She is wicked smart and gives wise and generous advice. For free. What are you waiting for?

6. A Working Mother’s Daily Rant

Susan Dimickele is a Christian, attorney, mom, wife, and many other things who just published her first book: “Chasing Superwoman. No, it is not about me, smarty-pants, but it is about the way women navigate the freedoms of faith, work and family these days. I’d like to chat with Susan over coffee and donuts sometime. I feel like she would eat the sprinkled donuts, and leave all the other kinds for me. I’m cool with that.

5. Rock Your Day

Sometimes, while writing a particularly challenging blog post, I try to pretend I am the female Dave Navarro. My goal is to get into that “take-no-prisoners” mindset that his writing has, where he is totally accepting and never shames you, but then just kicks you right where you live so that you have no choice but to get up and change your life already. Love him. Love love love him.

4. Donald Miller

I resisted reading this blog for a while. Sometimes I’m not so much into the bandwagon scene. (See previous post about being peer-pressured to do a ropes course.) And when his dog, Lucy, posts, well that’s just a straight up waste of time and space. But I’ve appreciated the way Don faces issues, especially when other people misunderstand or misrepresent his material. His thoughtful approach has won me over, which is not easy to do.

3. Whiskey Straight

A friend of a friend turned me on to this blog, and I totally dig it. It’s not what I would normally be drawn to; often it’s just a picture juxtaposed with a quote or phrase, but way groovy. Super cool opportunity to pause whatever I’m busy doing and reflect on art or music or communication or culture. This blog refreshes me and challenges me. Totes recommend.

2. Naomi Dunford‘s Itty Biz (WARNING: R-rated)

If I am Yoda, Naomi is Obi-Wan Kenobi. And I don’t care that lots of other people say that about her too, because it’s different for me. Because it just is, okay? Naomi’s work doesn’t relate directly to me (she is a major small business marketing guru and she talks about a lot of business-y stuff that we don’t do ((yet)) at TMP), but when I have crossed paths with her and even been allowed to enter the holy of holies and talk to her live and in person, she has nailed what I do in a way few people can. Also, she is automatically one of the coolest people alive because she, like me, loves everything associated with the television series “The West Wing.” If you ever get a chance to throw money at Naomi, do it and then thank her for the opportunity. Then do it again.

1. Seth Godin

I know, right? Like I was going to say anyone else. Seth is universally acknowledged as king of everything involved with business, marketing, advertising, working, making money, making a difference, just mattering at all versus merely taking up space and oxygen. He’s the Zen master of internet marketing, and he doesn’t watch TV or go to meetings. E.v.e.r. He’s written loads of books but he gives them away for free all the time and he really really really really really really really really really knows what he’s talking about. Even better, he usually knows what you’re talking about better than you do. If you add one blog to your reader, add this one.

And that’s it! I really hope you like them and most of all I hope that whatever you read adds to your knowledge and experience of growing stronger and deeper in your ability lead yourself. That, after all, is what it is all about.

Now go read some blogs.

Lead Your Life.

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