YOUR Way Forward

Thanks so much to all of you who have had kind and supportive things to say about The Way Forward (free e-book is yours if you just click on the link to your right). It truly was a labor of love, and it means the world to hear how much it has helped many of you already. And you really are free to pass it on– I know some of you thought I was being exclusive with it. On the contrary! I encourage you to pass it on to anyone you think would get something out of it. I just don’t want people to feel like it’s pushed on them, is all. You understand.

Now, about Chapter 10. Those of you that have read The Way Forward know that the e-book has ten Chapters, but I only had nine chapters worth of things to say. Lucky. You.

So, we came up with something that I think is kind of clever.

We’re asking you readers to compose your own chapter that can be included as Chapter 10 in future versions of this book.

You’ll get credit, bragging rights , the whole deal. You can finally tell your mom you’ve been published! And, you will have contributed meaningfully to something that hopefully, people will have found helpful.

Your submission must be a word document of 500-800 words. Double-spaced, 12 font, usual margins, etc. Please have your name at the top of each page, and number the pages. I don’t want to write a whole bunch of rigid rule-y mumbo-jumbo here, so just be sure it’s easy to read and to know who wrote what I’m reading. If you’re not sure, don’ t send it; ask someone else to read it first and tell you how to clean it up. Speaking of clean it up, we’re a PG-13 show here, so if you wouldn’t say it in front of your grandma, don’ t write it for The Way Forward.

E-mail your submission to by June 30, 2011.

THUMP is the initials for The MOXY Project (ThMP) plus one more- U. Because we want you, we need you, to add your voice to this conversation about who you are and where you are going.

This is not a one-sided lecture. It ’s a true exchange of ideas, where we are all stimulated and encouraged to see and know one another. We want you to tell us your story.

Tell us what you think you still need to know about life, success, the future. What will be the mark that this generation makes, and what could stop you from making it? How can you exercise self-leadership so that your life goes where it should? How can you become who you are supposed to be? What advice do you give yourself ?

What would you have wanted to read, that wasn’t in here? What chapter do you wish had been included? What’s missing, that you can contribute? If you could write a chapter that describes where you are on The Way Forward, what would you say?

We will read each piece and respond to it. We cannot promise that each piece will get included in the revised version, but those that do will get the credit. Fame, if not fortune. Whether your name ends up in lights or not, The MOXY Project will continue to come alongside you and seek to give you hope.

What are you waiting for?


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