The Alphabet Meme

It’s been a week, people.  Older hobbit started junior high, and why don’t we just stop right there.  I mean, that’s enough, right? It’s all Instagram and yo and right and just let me finish this game/text/show, which makes me want to get all Kanye West on his Taylor Swift. And he doesn’t even get that reference.

Any. Way. It’s also been a crazy slammed month for me at work and I’m looking at some extra stuff coming up for the next three months. As I pace myself and prepare for the fall (which I hate, by the way – worst season ever) and the WHOLE 30 I’m doing with the hubs from September 8-October 8, I thought today we might like a nice mellow Alphabet Meme. If you really want something to read, here is one of my favorite posts that feels appropriate considering the pre-teen deoderant commercial living in my house right now. So pour yourself a nice glass of Pino and peruse.

Without further ado, The Alphabet Meme:

A: Attached or single? Attached

B: Boys or girls? Boys

C: Cake or pie?  Oh please. Cake.

D: Day of choice? Definitely Sunday. I start smiling as soon as I wake up and realize it’s Sunday. Sam and I get up early and hit Starbucks and then do the grocery shopping for the week. No small task. That’s followed by church with friends and family and then family activities- can be beach, park, movie at home, just generally hanging out together. Often closed by dinner with the grandparents.

E: Essential item in purse? iPhone, for sure. Also Dentyne fire gum and lip gloss. Oh, wallet too.

F: Favorite color?  Lavender and red, but not together.

G: Gummy bears or worms?  Um, chocolate. Sometimes licorice, can be black or red.

H: Hometown?  Santa Barbara, CA.

I: Favorite indulgence? Pedicures.

J: January or July?  July, of course, it’s my birthday month!

K: Kids?  Two.  A.K.A. The Hobbits.

L: Life isn’t complete without?  God. Cheeseburgers. My family. Books. Hoodies and yoga pants.

M: Marriage date? January 14, 1995

N: Number of siblings? One younger brother. I’m not allowed to tell you his name.

O: Oranges or apples?  Fuji apples, every day.

P: Phobias? Roller coasters.

Q: Quotes? Sure. But quotes can be a black hole so I try to stay around the perimeter. Rilke, C.S. Lewis, Mary Oliver- all faves.

R: Reasons to smile? Jesus. My husband and kids. Cheeseburgers, again. Cake, again. Coffee. Dear friends who know me deeply, over years. Doing good work that makes a difference to people.

S: Season of choice? Summer.

T: Temptations: Worry. Sugar. Impatience. Retail therapy. To believe that anything alive can or should be controlled.

U: Unknown fact about me: A little known fact, that very few people believe when I tell them, is that I am indeed an introvert. For reals.

V: Vegetable? Tomatoes! And pumpkin! Also zucchini and sweet potatoes.

W: Worst habit? Easy: Worry.

X: X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound.

Y: Your favorite food? If you haven’t guessed cheeseburger by now……

Z: Zodiac sign? Cancer

So there you have it. I love memes and hope you enjoyed this one. Now go take Monday off and please also pray for Syria if you’re the praying type.


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