Lucid Dreaming

Inception Totem

There are many reasons why I loved the movie: “Inception.” It was more than smart;  it made me feel intelligent while I was watching it, which rarely happens during movies.

That may also be because I have young children who still prefer animated films, and a husband who loves Romantic Comedies. But that’s another post.

The movie follows a guy named Cobb and his co-workers who penetrate the minds of people while they are asleep. Using combinations of drugs, wires, and other Jedi-mind tricks. they try the technique known as inception, which involves planting an idea in someone else’s mind that will bear fruit in the real world. I was fascinated by the concept that an idea could be implanted while in the deepest of subconscious states and then one could wake up and believe that idea to be one’s own.

I may have also been so anxious about the ending that I Googled it. While sitting in the theatre. During the movie. Don’t worry, I got shut down.

Interestingly, when Cobb and his team go into someone’s mind to plant an idea, they can’t just go in and drop something big and intense really close to the surface of that person’s consciousness. It’s too risky- the idea will not last. One “kick” of the conscious mind will kill it. They have to go really deep into the individual’s subconscious- typically five to seven “levels” in. That way, the idea can take root and grow. That’s how the person comes to believe it is their own idea.

A small seed, planted in the right spot, can change everything.

It has power. It has potential. It just needs to be nurtured.

What is rising from within you these days?

How can it be nourished and fed so that it can develop?

When can you take some space and time and allow it to surface?

Lead The Life You Want.

“What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient… highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed – fully understood – that sticks; right in there somewhere.” Dom Cobb




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