Speaking Of…..

Some of you have asked about my speaking engagements – when, where, etc. There is more info here and you can also contact me here if you have any questions. I love almost everything about public speaking — the travel to/from, the meeting new people, the energy of the room, and of course the actual content delivery part. I know it might sound weird that I love it since I’m an introvert, but I think I feel just enough in control when I am the speaker that I enjoy it more than I want to shrink into my turtle shell. I do get tired from speaking, though– exhaustion is pretty much a given after every time, no matter how long the talk. A trip to Target usually brings me right back to my normal self.

Here are links to two talks I gave recently at Pepperdine University Chapel. They call their chapel convocation, but it’s pretty much the same thing that most Christian colleges call chapel. This was my third and fourth time speaking at Pepperdine. I have no idea if they’ll keep asking me back, but as long as they ask, I will go. The people are super kind, the campus is gorgeous and the food is amazeballs.  Also my very dear friend-of-my-heart Sarah is there, and our talks are precious to me.


10/30/13 – Chapel with Michele Mollkoy from Pepperdine University Chapel on Vimeo.


11/6/13 – Chapel with Michele Mollkoy (Part 2) from Pepperdine University Chapel on Vimeo.

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