Theme Songs For Life

If you came looking for your weekly dose of humorous encouragement and motivation, try back next week. I have been so inundated with questions from you wonderful readers trying to clarify the rules of the “Make Me A CD” contest that this weeks post will simply be answers to your music-loving, freebie-searching questions.  My favorites have been the ones who already know they can’t make it to the workshop but are STILL SENDING IN AN ENTRY because you JUST LOVE MAKING CD’s SO MUCH. You know who you are.

Shout out to my friend from high school who lives in Virginia and  whom I haven’t seen in over 20 years but who found me on Facebook and asked if she could make me a mix like we made junior year. (And yes, Amy, I do still love Billy Joel.)

So here we go:


Where can I send the CD, once it is finished?

Please put in a hard case and send to: The MOXY Project, P.O. Box 30324, Santa Barbara, CA. 93130. The CD’s must be CLEARLY identified as either indie/alternative mix or workout/running mix.

Is this illegal?

No, but I like your integrity. I’m no lawyer, but it’s my understanding that the law about copying music is more about people burning or ripping whole CD’s for others. I’m actually not interested in having the music as much as finding music that I like that I haven’t heard yet, so I can buy it. Technically I’m simply asking for playlists from people. Maybe I should have called this a “Make Me A Playlist” contest, but too late now.

It’s also my understanding that people are allowed to make a limited number of copies of songs that they own for personal use, which includes sharing with friends. Please don’t steal the songs you put on my CD, and clearly label the CD with the names and artists of the songs. That way when I find all these new artists I like, I can go buy the songs myself. That would be the goal. Oh, and also for two of you to be able to come to the workshop for free.

Okay, that was a long answer.

Can I make you an iTunes mix?

Yes you can, but I don’t totally understand them so do it at your own risk (and include easy-to-follow directions for moi.)

Can you just tell me your favorite sings so I can just put all of them on the CD?

Um, no. That’s called cheating.

What if you like some from one CD and some from another? Can you just combine them to equal one complete CD that you like?

Um, no.

Is there a limit to how many CD’s I can make?

Nope. Knock yourself out.

When are the CD’s Playlists due?

February 14. Picked a national holiday because I thought it would be slightly easier to remember. We’ll see if I’m right.

When will I find out if I’ve won?

Contest winners will be announced February 27. That should give the two winners (one for the indie/alternative mix, one for the running/workout list) plenty of time to make transportation and lodging reservations, if necessary. As well as all the rest of you who wait until the last minute to sign up for things.

What if I don’t win, can I still decide to come to the workshop?

We’d love to have you, assuming there is still space. Spots for the workshop will be closed March 9 or when it fills up, whichever comes first.

I think that’s all the questions I’ve gotten so far, but I’m sure I’ll get more after this post. One last comment/clue: One day a few years ago I was driving home from work and thinking about a meeting I’d had that I thought had gone especially badly. Since I had been the one running the meeting, I believed that the poor performance was my fault. (This happens much more often than I would like to admit.)

I was venting in my head, to God/The Constant Audience, and saying things like: “I just don’t think I was very articulate, or knowledgeable, or wise……I don’t think I impressed anyone in that meeting.”

And all of the sudden, like a whisper, I felt a voice in my spirit say: “Michele. Your job is not to impress people. Your job is to love them.”

Please don’t give me songs that will impress me. Give me songs that I will love.

Checking my mailbox every day!

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I met Michele at a transitional time in my life. I had grown up in a family structure that avoided… Read more
