So, that happened.


I have missed you. My break that started last summmer extended quite a bit into 2013. I’ve come back here slowly, like getting back into the pool after a long winter. Dipping in a toe – “it’s so cold!” — then inching in by the shallow end, bit by bit.

What, you thought I was more of a “dive in headfirst” kind of gal?

Have we even met?

Anyway, I’m digressing because I feel self-conscious about telling you more of a personal update, rather than linking you to awesome videos or giving you quick self-leadership points.

Part of my break last year involved thinking through what I wanted next, and how I was going to get there. (Sound familiar?) I had transitioned into some new work  and wanted to spend some time reflecting on and absorbing all that that effort had to teach me. So, the teacher became the student once again, as I wrestled with what I really hoped to accomplish with this space and attention.

Before we go any further, know this:

I am not done with that whole process.

Moreover, I have no idea when I will be done.

I’ll be processing more of my own journey on this blog going forward, so it’s important that we are totally clear on the fact that I am in no way “finished” with my own self-leadership journey, nor am I immune to the doubts and questions that come with discerning one’s one path.

In fact, just last weekend I was talking to my friend, travel hero and former client Pema, and it was in that conversation that I realized that part of my new direction has to be sharing more of my own process with you.


After all, facilitating self-leadership in others while not practicing it- and disclosing it- would be kind of a major belly-flop.

If you’re still tracking with the pool metaphor from the top.

On to the specific updates:

You’ll notice a few things on the re-done website, starting with a new tagline. “Are you leading the life you want?” is a more effective way of provoking you to think about what you want and how to lead yourself there.

I also say to clients all. the. time that “You are the most difficult person you will ever lead,” so we got that front and center on the new site as well.

The idea is that everything you read and see on the whole site is more clearly and tightly connected to helping you lead your life .

People have suggested to me that the time had come to broaden my scope; rather than (just) being “The MOXY Project” for 20-somethings, why not have TMP be one of several of my projects, all under the umbrella of my coaching/speaking services at So, now there are four “Projects” that people can choose from, based on where they are in life and what they most need/want are interested in:

The MOXY Project (still for 20-somethings),

The BALANCE Project that seems to appeal most to women in their 30’s and

The FOCUS Project, which resonates more with women around the 40’s stage in life, and finally

The LEGACY Project, supporting women in 50’s-beyond.

The age boundaries are somewhat arbitrary but helpful for those looking to categorize themselves- it’s really just all about what season of life you are experiencing and how to lead yourself to the next one.

I also came up with some “white papers”,  which is a term for a resource that is longer than a blog post but shorter than an e-book, to help women at each stage get a sense for what kind of content and material is available. That was like pulling teeth because I do better when I’m looking at you and asking questions fun and interesting, and I look forward to getting better at that and hating it less doing more of that.

By far, though, the most fun part was working with you all in a different way- those of you who took the survey we sent out at the end of 2012 and shared what you most need and where you can use the most help were total all-stars, and hopefully the other changes here will reflect the desires you expressed.

The  goal is really to help people- and through helping them, to figure out how to help more people- to get further down the path towards where they really want to go. That doesn’t necessarily always look like a new job or change in relationship status- it could also be a healing or an experience of forgiveness that propels you forward. My intention is to do more research about this whole area of self-leadership/self-efficacy in the future, and really get a sense of what sets women apart in this arena.

But for now, I’m content with a new layout and fonts, new text on the main page, and the same coaching and teaching opportunities, same awesome stories of people like you and me who are together figuring out how to get where we want to go, step by step.

Feel free to poke around and, as always, let me know what you think of the remodel repurpose.

Did I mention I missed you? So. Much. More to come.




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I met Michele at a transitional time in my life. I had grown up in a family structure that avoided… Read more
